August 29, 2016

Turning back the clock

A Corvallis Parks and Recreation Department project unfolds that is transforming 100 acres of forestland in an effort to preserve the Willamette Valley’s declining stock of oak savanna.

Restoration goals in Corvallis natural area:
Remove competitive Douglas and big-leaf maples
Retain and protect all legacy oaks Retain existing oak and fir snags
Remove invasive species
Retain selected legacy Douglas firs Improve viewing areas

 Read the Corvallis Gazette Times article here.

August 13, 2016

Clear Creek acquisition protects native oaks, fills critical gap

Metro recently acquired a 30-acre property near Clear Creek in Clackamas County that will protect high-value Oregon white oak and savanna habitat. The latest acquisition brings Metro’s Clear Creek Natural Area to 511 acres, protecting a large, significant area for water quality and fish and wildlife habitat. A separate Clear Creek North Natural Area a short distance north provides an additional 69 acres of publicly protected habitat. Read the rest here.